
New on 500px : Spring (de)Light by RoeselienRaimond by RoeselienRaimond

Instagram | | FacebookSnake-head’s Fritillary
Assigning emotions to animals is called anthropomorphism, which made me wonder whether there’s a word for linking feelings to ….a flower? ☺️When looking at Snake’s head Fritillaries, the music almost automatically starts to play and pictures of fairies, dancing in magical light appear before my eyes…. Light & airy and at the same time so fragile and slightly sad. And I know it’s just a flower, but look again and tell me, what do YOU see?

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New on 500px : Spread the Wings by JovanaRikalo by JovanaRikalo

“If people were to spread their wings and overcome their limitations, they would shine out the color of light, a yellow so bright that it would blind everyone around them. They would show the beauty they carry in them, and every person would shine in a different shade.”

Photo: Jovana Rikalo
Model: Jovana Vavic

ig @jovanarikalo

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New on 500px : Two Can Keep a Secret – Dragongflies in the light by RoeselienRaimond by RoeselienRaimond

Instagram | | Facebook“On a quiet evening – so quiet that I’d almost forgotten the existence of sound at all- I ploughed through an uninspiring darkness. So dark, that even the memory of light was obscured. All I saw was a bunch of colourless, impenetrable prickly bushes……” More in New blog: Winged Wonders

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New on 500px : Winged Wonders by RoeselienRaimond by RoeselienRaimond

Instagram | | Facebook“On a quiet evening – so quiet that I’d almost forgotten the existence of sound at all- I ploughed through an uninspiring darkness. So dark, that even the memory of light was obscured. All I saw was a bunch of colourless, impenetrable prickly bushes……” More in New blog: Winged Wonders

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New on 500px : Balloon paradise by JovanaRikalo by JovanaRikalo

Do you know that feeling when you get out of your comwort zone and everything becomes different, more powerful? That’s the moment when everything is in your hands. You have the power to create your own world, a different one. That’s the moment when dreams become closer, and goals grow bigger. Everything come to place, just as you imagined it.
ig @jovanarikalo

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